Clip Raster With Vector Using GDAL
Recently I needed to clip several raster files with polygonal layer of municipalities. A solution to this task is pretty straightforward using GDAL and a bit of Bash and QGIS thrown in.
The necessary steps are:
- Put each polygon to a separate file. This can be done easily with
Vector - Data Management Tools - Split Vector Layer
in QGIS. The solution below assumes that each shapefile has the same basename as the raster file. - These polygons are stored in the
subfolder relative to the folder with rasters. - An
folder exists that is used for… output, yes. - Rasters are saved with output alpha band for nodata (
flag). - The script takes one argument - raster name.
- Profit!
#!/usr/bin/env bash
BASE=$(basename $OBEC _jpeg.tif)
echo $BASE
EXTENT=$(ogrinfo -so obce/${BASE}.shp $BASE | grep Extent \
| sed 's/Extent: //g' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' \
| sed 's/ - /, /g')
EXTENT=$(echo $EXTENT | awk -F ',' '{print $1 " " $4 " " $3 " " $2}')
gdal_translate -projwin $EXTENT -of GTiff $OBEC output/${BASE}.tif
gdalwarp -dstalpha -s_srs 'EPSG:5514' -t_srs 'EPSG:5514' \
-co TILED=YES -\
of GTiff \
-cutline obce/${BASE}.shp \
output/${BASE}.tif output/${BASE}.final.tif
Note that if gdalwarp
doesn’t recognize an EPSG code (which is the case for my country national grid), you might pass it as a PROJ.4 string.
According to the point 5 in the above list, the script needs to be run in a loop:
for f in *_jpeg.tif;
do $f