Michal ZimmermannPieces of knowledge from the world of GIS.

QGIS Tips For Collaborative Mapping

Right now I’m setting up a project aimed at crop evaluation over ortophotos, HR and VHR imagery. All the steps of evaluation will be done in QGIS with PostGIS used for data storage and post-processing.

In the initial phase, fifteen GIS operators will be using QGIS to reshape geometries and fill attribute data accordingly. Fifteen are not so many, but it is enough to be a possible source of errors. Luckily, there are many things you can do with QGIS to prevent people from making mistakes.

QGIS project file

QGIS project, the .qgs file, is a pure XML and, unlike ESRI’s .mxd, can be edited with any text editor. That’s great advantage when you need to prepare one project for many different operators. My project has to load some database layers that should be different for different operators that have different database accounts.

How do you do that? It’s enough to create a project using your own credentials and then replace them with USERNAME and PASSWORD strings as seen below. What happens when the user loads the project?

<datasource>dbname='database' host=host port=5432 user='USERNAME' password='PASSWORD' sslmode=require key='qgis_id' srid=5514 type=POLYGON table="schema"."table" (wkb_geometry) sql=</datasource>

A popup window will be shown asking him/her to handle bad layers, as QGIS will not be able to connect to the layer. When he/she fills in right credentials (just once), the layer will be loaded. Don’t forget to use a table name that doesn’t exist, QGIS will use the credentials stored with PostGIS connection otherwise and won’t ask for them. I don’t like this behaviour.

Using this multiple times for each user-specific layer is a great time saver.

Adjust attribute table to fit your needs

QGIS attribute table has so many settings you probably don’t use on daily basis and yet they might be invaluable in such project. All of them are available from layer properties under the Fields tab.

Sadly, our PostGIS layers are very wide in terms of column count. Not all of the columns are to be edited or even seen by operators, so it might be a good idea to hide them by setting their Edit Widget to Hidden. Those that should be seen, but not edited, might be set as not editable by unchecking that option.

Lots of our attributes use enumerations provided by our project partner as CSV files. We use them in QGIS as value maps, so operators don’t have to type them manually - we both make their work easier and eliminate mistakes they made.

Note QGIS swallows the first row of the given CSV file as if it was a header. Don’t forget about this when creating your own enumerations. Once set, operators will see a friendly combo box instead of a hostile blank input in the attribute table.

These are just small adjustments that can make a big difference in your QGIS workflow.

SSH GRASS Processing Status Check

I’ve been running some GRASS/PostGIS computations on a remote server that were taking hours to finish. Once in a while I checked for their state by issuing tail log_XX.log from my laptop to see if they were ready yet. It suddenly became pretty annoying to check five different logs every ten minutes.

Instead of waiting and checking the logs, I thought it would be great to automate this. And it would be awesome if checking was fun. So I wrote a simple routine that takes log number as an argument (every process logs to a separate logfile) and checks it every minute until it says done. Right after that notify-send gives me a neat popup and Queen starts playing their We are the champions thanks to mpg123.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

while true; do
    echo "############ ${item} ############"
    x=$(ssh [email protected] "tail -n 30 path/to/my/log_${item}.log")

    if [[ $x == *"done"* ]]
            notify-send -u critical "Finally ${item}"
            mpg123 -n 250 ~/Music/queen-we_are_the_champions.mp3
        else echo "Not yet"
    sleep 60

What seemed to be really frustrating makes me happy right now. Unless Freddie starts singing in the middle of the night.

Animating SVG Maps With SMIL

Using SVG to build web maps have both pros and cons and to be honest I don’t know any serious map/GIS project built on top of SVG. However, as a part of my job at university, I was forced to use both SVG and SMIL to produce animated web map (see the small version below or the big one at GitHub) and I’d like to share my findings.

Data preprocessing

I chose Natural Earth dataset both for basemap and thematic layer:

I decided that animation should go like this:

  1. Load basemap and Vaclav Havel airport (PRG).
  2. Animate destinations one by one. They are revealed in order of their distance from PRG.
  3. Animate airways.
  4. Once airways are animated, animate airplanes along their path from PRG to their destination in order of their time of departure.
  5. Profit.

My goal was to create an animation of all departures from Vaclav Havel airport during one day. These data can be obtained at FlightStats, I didn’t find a way make this process automatic though. OpenFlights might be better source then.

SVG creation

Kartograph is a great tool both for SVG generation and scripting. What a pity it’s probably a dead project according to the last commit date. After installing Python part of library used to create SVG files out of vector geometries, it can be run with something like this:

kartograph --output map.svg --pretty-print --style style.css config.json

Pretty self-explanatory, let’s have a look at config file:

    "layers": {
        "countries": {
            "src": "ne_50m_admin_0_countries/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.shp",
            "attributes": ["name"]
        "airports": {
            "src": "ne_10m_airports/ne_10m_airports_prg.shp",
            "attributes": ["name", "abbrev"]
        "travels": {
            "src": "ne_10m_airports/travels.shp",
            "attributes": ["time", "distance"]
        "grid": {
            "special": "graticule",
            "latitudes": 10,
            "longitudes": 10
    "proj": {
        "id": "satellite",
        "lon0": 0.0,
        "lat0": 48.0,
        "dist": 45,
        "up": 15
    "bounds": {
        "mode": "bbox",
        "data": [-180, -90, 180, 90],
        "padding": 1
    "export": {
        "round": 1,
        "width": 1000,
        "ratio": 1

It is possible to adjust map settings in many different ways. The most important/interesting:

You can change SVG look with simple CSS, just be sure to use layer names as CSS ids:

#airports {
    fill: #CC0000;
    fill-opacity: 0;
    stroke: #660000;
    stroke-opacity: 0;

#countries {
    fill: #e6deb4;
    stroke: #a59f81;

#grid {
    stroke: #d0d0d0;
    stroke-width: .3px;

#travels {
    stroke: #1f78b4;
    stroke-opacity: 0;
    stroke-dasharray: 5,5;

Data adjustment & animation

SMIL is a XML based language for multimedia representation. It comes ready for timing, animation, visual transitions etc. I guess it might be considered easier to read for a web development beginner. Once you start using it, you immediately realize it suffers from the same disease like XML does: it is so wordy!

Let’s get back to my example. To animate airports one by one, let’s give them unique ids, so they look something like:

<circle id="brs" stroke-opacity="0" fill-opacity="0" cx="476.597304864" cy="539.487783171" data-abbrev="BRS" data-name="Bristol Int'l" r="3"/>

That’s something you do by hand as kartograph doesn’t give ids to SVG elements. Once you’re done with that, you can run SMIL animation. If you look closer at the final map, you’ll notice there are three properties animated for each airport: fill opacity, stroke opacity and radius. Each property needs to use separate SMIL <animate />, which might look like the one below:

&lt;animate attributeName="fill-opacity"
&lt;animate attributeName="stroke-opacity"
&lt;animate attributeName="r"

I guess you get the idea how long this would take for more airports. Make sure to notice that SMIL can start animation based on another animation’s end (osr_ani.end) - that’s pretty neat.

Airways animation works almost the same. First, add unique id to each airway:

&lt;path d="M550.9,562.9L568.0,495.0 " id="travel-arn"/&gt;

Second, start animation after all the airports are visible on the map. Notice the initial definition of d attribute - it’s a line with zero length.

&lt;animate attributeName="d"

Once airways animation has finished, let airplanes fly around the globe with a simple JavaScript function:

 * @param  number coef  scale radius by number of flights to the given destination
 * @param  string flight_id
var circle = function(coef, flight_id, timeshift) {
    var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
    var svgDocument =document;
    var motion = svgDocument.createElementNS(svgns,"animateMotion");
    var animation = svgDocument.createElementNS(svgns,"animate");
    var shape  = svgDocument.createElementNS(svgns, "circle");
    var time = 15 + timeshift;
    var dur = document.getElementById(flight_id).getAttributeNS(null, "data-dist")/100;
    motion.setAttribute("begin", time + "s");
    motion.setAttribute("dur", dur + "s");
    motion.setAttribute("path", document.getElementById(flight_id).getAttributeNS(null, "d"));
    motion.setAttribute("xlink:href", "#" + flight_id);
    motion.setAttribute("id", flight_id + "_motion");

    animation.setAttribute("attributeName", "opacity");
    animation.setAttribute("from", "1");
    animation.setAttribute("to", "0");
    animation.setAttribute("begin", time + dur + "s");
    animation.setAttribute("dur", "0.1s");
    animation.setAttribute("fill", "freeze");

    shape.setAttributeNS(null, "r",  1*coef);
    shape.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "1f78b4");
    shape.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke", "1f78b4");
    shape.setAttribute("id", "airplane-" + flight_id);


SMIL with SVG seems to be interesting option for web map animation, a bit lengthy though. Syncing animations can easily become pain in the ass (see StackOverflow thread). Never call your function animate - there is namesake function defined in Web Animations API that makes animation crash in Chrome. <animateMotion /> is a great tool to animate elements along path.

GRASS: Big Buffers Made Easy

Recently I’ve written about struggling with fairly complex geometries in PostGIS. Lesson learned from the last time was to use more smaller geometries instead of several really huge. You can obtain the small ones from the big by cutting it with a grid.

A supervisor of a project I’ve been working on came up with a task that totally buried the previous process in a blink of an eye: Give me the buffer (diffed with original geometries) that is smoothed on the outer bounds so there are no edges shorter than 10 cm. I sighed. Then, I cursed. Then, I gave it a try with PostGIS. Achieving this goal involves these steps:

Two of those four are rather problematic with PostGIS: line smoothing and diffing the original geometries (I didn’t get to the last one, so it might be 3 of 4 as well).

Hello, I’m GRASS

I haven’t used GRASS for ages and even back then I didn’t get to know it much, but it saved the day for me this time.

grass -text path/to/mapset -c

v.in.ogr input="PG:host=localhost dbname=db user=postgres password=postgres" output=ilot_050 layer=ilot_2015_050 snap=-1 --overwrite
# turn the snapping off, I don't want the input changed in any way, even though it is not topologically valid
v.in.ogr input="PG:host=localhost dbname=db user=postgres password=postgres" output=lollipops_050 layer=lollipops.lollipops_2015_050_tmp snap=-1 --overwrite
v.in.ogr input="PG:host=localhost dbname=db user=postgres password=postgres" output=holes_050 layer=phase_3.holes_050 snap=-1 --overwrite
v.db.addcolumn map=ilot_050 columns="id_0 int"
v.db.update map=ilot_050 column=id_0 value=1

# dissolve didn't work without a column specified, dunno why
v.dissolve input=ilot_050 column=id_0 output=ilot_050_dissolve --overwrite
v.buffer input=ilot_050_dissolve output=ilot_050_buffer distance=20 --overwrite

# v.out and v.in routine used just because I didn't get the way attributes work in GRASS, would do it differently next time
v.out.ogr input=ilot_050_buffer output=ilot_050_buffer format=ESRI_Shapefile --overwrite
v.in.ogr input=ilot_050_buffer output=ilot_050_buffer snap=-1 --overwrite
v.overlay ainput=ilot_050_buffer binput=holes_050 operator=or output=combined_050_01 snap=-1 --overwrite

# tried v.patch to combine the three layers, it gave some strange results in the final overlay
v.overlay ainput=combined_050_01 binput=lollipops_050 operator=or output=combined_050_02 snap=-1 --overwrite
v.out.ogr input=combined_050_02 output=combined_050 format=ESRI_Shapefile --overwrite
v.in.ogr input=combined_050 output=combined_050_in snap=-1 --overwrite
v.db.addcolumn map=combined_050_in columns="id_1 int"
v.db.update map=combined_050_in column=id_1 value=1
v.dissolve input=combined_050_in column=id_1 output=combined_050_dissolve --overwrite

# get rid of &lt; 10cm edges
v.generalize input=combined_050_dissolve output=combined_050_gen method=reduction threshold=0.1 --overwrite
v.out.ogr input=combined_050_gen output=combined_050_gen format=ESRI_Shapefile --overwrite
v.in.ogr input=combined_050_gen output=combined_050_gen snap=-1 --overwrite
v.overlay ainput=combined_050_gen binput=ilot_050 operator=not snap=1e-05 --overwrite output=ilot_050_diff
v.out.postgis input=ilot_050_diff output="PG:dbname=db user=postgres password=postgres" output_layer=onf3.buffer_050_diff options="GEOMETRY_NAME=wkb_geometry,SRID=2154" --overwrite
v.in.ogr input="PG:host=localhost dbname=ign user=postgres password=postgres" output=buffer_050 layer=onf3.buffer_050_diff snap=-1 --overwrite
v.in.ogr input="PG:host=localhost dbname=ign user=postgres password=postgres" output=grid layer=grid snap=-1 --overwrite
v.db.connect -d map=buffer_050

# instead of v.out and v.in routine
db.connect driver=sqlite database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite.db'
v.db.addtable map=buffer_050
v.overlay ainput=buffer_050 binput=grid operator=and output=buffer_050_grid snap=-1 --overwrite
v.out.postgis input=buffer_050_grid output="PG:dbname=ign user=postgres password=postgres" output_layer=onf3.buffer_050_diff_grid options="GEOMETRY_NAME=wkb_geometry,SRID=2154" --overwrite

It is damn fast compared to PostGIS. It can be automated. It can be parametrized. It is robust. It is great!

Lesson learned

The more I work with big data, the more I get used to not seeing them. That’s kind of a twist after crafting maps at university.

PostGIS: Finding Biggest Land Users Nearby

At CleverMaps we heavily rely on the cadastre of real estate, which is probably the biggest data source in my country. Using their excellent knowledge of this data set, my teammates often supply me with all kinds of weird challenges.

Give me the biggest land users nearby

Find the biggest land users in surrounding cadastral communities for each cadastral community (~ 13K) being the latest task, here’s the query I tackled it with:

WITH users_ AS (
        concat_ws(' ',street, concat_ws('/', house_number, street_number)) as street,
        'Users with more than 10 ha'::text note,
        SUM(acreage) area
        FROM land_blocks -- being a table with info about all the agricultural land blocks
        JOIN users u ON id_uz = id
        GROUP BY cad_code, u.id
        HAVING SUM(acreage) &gt; 10
ints AS (
        ku.cad_code as community,
        ku2.cad_code as surrounding,
    FROM cadastral_community ku
    JOIN cadastral_community ku2
        ON ST_Intersects(ku.geom, ku2.geom)
    WHERE ku.cad_code &lt;&gt; ku2.cad_code
    DISTINCT ON (surrounding, cad_name, u.zipcode, u.city, u.street, u.name)
    users_ u
JOIN ints
    ON cad_code = community;

Few things to note:

Writing this makes me realize the list should be probably sorted by area so only the occurence with the biggest value is kept for each c. community. Simple ORDER BY should deal with this just fine. Or even more sophisticated, using GROUP BY to output the total acreage in all surrounding c. communities.