Michal ZimmermannPieces of knowledge from the world of GIS.


Until recently, SQL IN and EXISTS were almost exactly the same to me. There is a significant difference both in execution plans and time of execution though, as I found out after not being able to speed up my workmate’s query.

Assume two not-as-small-as-they-might-be tables:


SELECT * FROM generate_series(0, 500000) id;

SELECT (random() * 4000000)::integer id
FROM generate_series(0, 4000000);


To find out what rows from test.big is missing in test.small, you’ll use one of these queries:

FROM test.big
WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM test.small);

                            QUERY PLAN
Seq Scan on big  (cost=8463.01..42313.02 rows=1000000 width=4) (actual time=177.061..864.043 rows=1500894 loops=1)
    Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
    Rows Removed by Filter: 499107
    SubPlan 1
    ->  Seq Scan on small  (cost=0.00..7213.01 rows=500001 width=4) (actual time=0.045..34.727 rows=500001 loops=1)
    Total runtime: 904.413 ms
(6 rows)

FROM test.big
    SELECT 1
    FROM test.small
    WHERE test.big.id = test.small.id
                            QUERY PLAN
Hash Anti Join  (cost=15417.02..82100.58 rows=955189 width=4) (actual time=100.257..1240.343 rows=1500894 loops=1)
    Hash Cond: (big.id = small.id)
    ->  Seq Scan on big  (cost=0.00..28850.01 rows=2000001 width=4) (actual time=0.016..125.024 rows=2000001 loops=1)
    ->  Hash  (cost=7213.01..7213.01 rows=500001 width=4) (actual time=100.068..100.068 rows=500001 loops=1)
        Buckets: 65536  Batches: 2  Memory Usage: 8800kB
        ->  Seq Scan on small  (cost=0.00..7213.01 rows=500001 width=4) (actual time=0.011..35.543 rows=500001 loops=1)
Total runtime: 1280.609 ms

That’s not a significant difference in time execution, is it?

What if you want to find out what rows from test.small is missing in test.big?

FROM test.small
WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM test.big);

                                QUERY PLAN
Seq Scan on small  (cost=0.00..12915788669.52 rows=250000 width=4)
    Filter: (NOT (SubPlan 1))
    SubPlan 1
    ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..46663.01 rows=2000001 width=4)
        ->  Seq Scan on big  (cost=0.00..28850.01 rows=2000001 width=4)
(5 rows)

FROM test.small
    SELECT 1
    FROM test.big
    WHERE test.big.id = test.small.id

                               QUERY PLAN
Hash Anti Join  (cost=61663.02..180597.23 rows=1 width=4)
    Hash Cond: (small.id = big.id)
    ->  Seq Scan on small  (cost=0.00..7213.01 rows=500001 width=4)
    ->  Hash  (cost=28850.01..28850.01 rows=2000001 width=4)
        ->  Seq Scan on big  (cost=0.00..28850.01 rows=2000001 width=4)
(5 rows)

It took me ~750 ms to get the result with EXISTS expression. I kept IN running whole night with no result. I’m not really sure why IN is so much slower, it might be caused by checks for NULL values. The speed is also related to the size of the subquery, thus the difference when tables were switched.

LEFT JOIN can be used to achieve the same result, I find its syntax less obvious though.

No indexes were built this time, I know they don’t help the IN performance at all from my previous tests. Tested with PostgreSQL 9.3.9.

How to Use Queue with Rsync

Having more than 120K 5MB+ images that should be moved to the server is a great oportunity for some automatic bash processing. It might be good idea to use ImageMagick convert tool to make images smaller in a simple for loop. GNU Parallel can significantly increase the performance by running one job per CPU core.

parallel --verbose convert {} -quality 40% {} ::: *.jpg

The parallel modifies several images per second. Uploading these right away seems to be the next step. But how do you tell rsync to check for modified files every now and then? Another for loop mixed with sleep would work, but it just doesn’t feel right.

Luckily, there’s a inotifywait tool capable of watching changes to files and taking actions based on those changes.

inotifywait -e close_write -m --format '%f' . | \
while read file
    echo $file
    rsync -OWRD0Pq --ignore-existing $file data@localhost

By default, inotifywait stops after receiving a single event, while -m flag runs it indefinitely. -e flag defines an event to watch for, in my case that’s a close_write event. The inotifywait output can be piped to rsync that takes care of syncing local files to remote server.

The last step, as usual, is profit.

Automated Map Creation With QGIS, PostGIS, Python, SVG and ImageMagick

As mentioned in QGIS Tips For Collaborative Mapping we’re in the middle of crop evaluation project at CleverMaps.

With the QGIS workflow up and running, I’ve been focused on different QGIS related task: automatic map generation for land blocks that meet certain conditions. The logic behind identifying such land blocks is as follows:

Let’s assume that with several lines of SQL code we can store these mentioned above in a table called land_blocks with geometries being the result of calling ST_Union() over parcels for each land block.

Map composition

Every map should feature following layers:

Labels should be visible only for the featured land block (both for the land parcels and the land block itself. The whole map scales dynamically, showing small land blocks zoomed in and the large ones zoomed out.

Every map features additional items:

Atlas creation

Now with requirements defined, let’s create some maps. It’s incredibly easy to generate a series of maps with QGIS atlas options.

Atlas generation settings

Coverage layer is presumably the only thing you really need - as the name suggests, it covers your area of interest. One map will be created for each feature in this layer, unless you decide to use some filtering - which I did.

Output filenames can be tweaked to your needs, here’s what such a function might look like. If there is a slash in the land block ID (XXXXXXX/Y), the filename is set to USER-ID_XXXXXXX-00Y_M_00, USER-ID_XXXXXXX-000_M_00 otherwise.

CASE WHEN strpos(attribute($atlasfeature, 'kod_pb'), '/') > -1
        ji || '_' ||
            attribute($atlasfeature, 'kod_pb'), 0,
            strpos(attribute($atlasfeature, 'kod_pb'), '/')+1 -- slash position
        ) || '-' ||
                attribute($atlasfeature, 'kod_pb'),
                strpos(attribute($atlasfeature, 'kod_pb'), '/') + 2,
                length(attribute($atlasfeature, 'kod_pb'))
        3, '0') || '_M_00'
        ji || '_' || attribute($atlasfeature, 'kod_pb') || '-000_M_00'

Map scale & variable substitutions

Different land blocks are of different sizes, thus needing different scales to fit in the map. Again, QGIS handles this might-become-a-nightmare-pretty-easily issue with a single click. You can define the scale as:

With these settings, I get a map similar to the one below. Notice two interesting things:

Styling the map using atlas features

Atlas features are a great help for map customization. As mentioned earlier, in my case, only one land block label per map should be visible. That can be achieved with a simple label dialog expression:

    WHEN $id = $atlasfeatureid
    THEN "kod_pb"

QGIS keeps reference to each coverage layer feature ID during atlas generation, so you can use it for comparison. The best part is you can use IDs with any layer you need:

    WHEN attribute($atlasfeature, 'kod_pb') = "kod_pb"
    THEN "kod_zp"

With this simple expression, I get labels only for those land parcels that are part of the mapped land block. Even the layer style can be controlled with atlas feature. Land parcels inside the land block have blue borders, the rest is yellowish, remember? It’s a piece of cake with rule-based styling.

Atlas generation

When you’re set, atlas can be created with a single button. I used SVG as an output format to easily manipulate the map content afterwards. The resulting maps look like the one in the first picture without the text in the red rectangle. A Python script appends this to each map afterwards.

Roughly speaking, generating 300 maps takes an hour or so, I guess that depends on the map complexity and hardware though.

Adding textual content

SVG output is just plain old XML that you can edit by hand or by script. A simple Python script, part of map post-processing, loads SVG from the database and adds it to the left pane of each map.

            '<g fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="1"
                  stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="bevel" transform="matrix(1.18081,0,0,1.18081,270.0,550.0)"
                  font-family="Droid Sans" font-size="35" font-style="normal">',
            kultura, vymery, vymery_hodnoty,
            vcs_titul, vcs_brk, vcs_brs, vcs_chmel,
            vcs_zvv, vcs_zv, vcs_ovv, vcs_ov, vcs_cur, vcs_bip,
            lfa, lfa_h1, lfa_h2, lfa_h3,
            lfa_h4, lfa_h5, lfa_oa, lfa_ob, lfa_s,
            natura, aeo_eafrd_text, dv_aeo_eafrd_a1,
            dv_aeo_eafrd_a2o, dv_aeo_eafrd_a2v, dv_aeo_eafrd_b1,
            dv_aeo_eafrd_b2, dv_aeo_eafrd_b3, dv_aeo_eafrd_b4,
            dv_aeo_eafrd_b5, dv_aeo_eafrd_b6, dv_aeo_eafrd_b7,
            dv_aeo_eafrd_b8, dv_aeo_eafrd_b9, dv_aeo_eafrd_c1,
            dv_aeo_eafrd_c3, aeko_text, dv_aeko_a, dv_aeko_b, dv_aeko_c,
            dv_aeko_d1, dv_aeko_d2, dv_aeko_d3, dv_aeko_d4, dv_aeko_d5,
            dv_aeko_d6, dv_aeko_d7, dv_aeko_d8, dv_aeko_d9, dv_aeko_d10,
            dv_aeko_e, dv_aeko_f, ez, dzes_text, rep, obi, seop, meop, pbz, dzes7,
      ) popis
FROM (...);

Each column from the previous query is a result of SELECT similar to the one below.

SELECT concat('<text fill="#000000" fill-opacity="1" stroke="none">BrK: ', dv_brk, ' ha / ', "MV_BRK", ' ha;', kod_dpz, '</text>') vcs_brk

The transform="matrix(1.18081,0,0,1.18081,270.0,550.0) part puts the text on the right spot. Great finding about SVG is that it places each <text> element on the new line, so you don’t need to deal with calculating the position in your script.

Scale adjustment is done with a dirty lambda function.

content = re.sub(r"&gt;(\d{1,3}\.\d{3,5})&lt;/text&gt;", lambda m :"&gt;    " + str(int(round(float(m.group(1))))) + "&lt;/text&gt;", old_map.read())

SVG to JPEG conversion

We deliver maps as JPEG files with 150 DPI on A4 paper format. ImageMagick converts the formats with a simple shell command:

convert -density 150 -resize 1753x1240 input.svg output.jpg


I created pretty efficient semi-automated workflow using several open source technologies that saves me a lot of work. Although QGIS has some minor pet peeves (scale with decimal places, not showing the entire feature, not substituting variables at times), it definitely makes boring map creation quite amusing. The more I work with big data / on big tasks, the more I find Linux a must-have.

The whole process was done with QGIS 2.10, PostGIS 2.1, PostgreSQL 9.3, Python 2.7, ImageMagick 6.7.

Clip Raster With Vector Using GDAL

Recently I needed to clip several raster files with polygonal layer of municipalities. A solution to this task is pretty straightforward using GDAL and a bit of Bash and QGIS thrown in.

The necessary steps are:

  1. Put each polygon to a separate file. This can be done easily with Vector - Data Management Tools - Split Vector Layer in QGIS. The solution below assumes that each shapefile has the same basename as the raster file.
  2. These polygons are stored in the obce subfolder relative to the folder with rasters.
  3. An output folder exists that is used for… output, yes.
  4. Rasters are saved with output alpha band for nodata (-dstalpha flag).
  5. The script takes one argument - raster name.
  6. Profit!
#!/usr/bin/env bash

BASE=$(basename $OBEC _jpeg.tif)
echo $BASE
EXTENT=$(ogrinfo -so obce/${BASE}.shp $BASE | grep Extent \
| sed 's/Extent: //g' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' \
| sed 's/ - /, /g')
EXTENT=$(echo $EXTENT | awk -F ',' '{print $1 " " $4 " " $3 " " $2}')
gdal_translate -projwin $EXTENT -of GTiff $OBEC output/${BASE}.tif
gdalwarp -dstalpha -s_srs 'EPSG:5514' -t_srs 'EPSG:5514' \
    -co TILED=YES -\
    of GTiff \
    -cutline obce/${BASE}.shp \
    output/${BASE}.tif output/${BASE}.final.tif

Note that if gdalwarp doesn’t recognize an EPSG code (which is the case for my country national grid), you might pass it as a PROJ.4 string.

According to the point 5 in the above list, the script needs to be run in a loop:

for f in *_jpeg.tif;
    do the_script_above.sh $f

Filtering points by distance in PostGIS

Filtering really big (millions of rows) point datasets by distance might get catchy when solved with wrong PostGIS functions. Without spatial indexes PostGIS would take ages to finish such task.

Someone over StackExchange asked why the next query had been running for 15 hours (!) with no result:

    shp1 a,
    shp2 b
    ) AND
    abs(a.value - b.value) &gt; 400

The answer is quite simple: because it was using wrong functions. Let’s see:

  1. ST_Distance() does not use spatial index, it’s a simple mathematical calculation, it’s expensive and it can be replaced by spatial operator for point datasets.
  2. ST_Buffer() will definitely take time to build polygons around points. And it’s being run twice!
  3. ST_Difference() needs more time to compare the buffers and return just the portion of space they don’t share. Isn’t it a huge waste to create buffers and then throw them away?
  4. ST_Intersects() finally checks whether the point should be included in the result.

That was a great challenge to test my knowledge of how PostGIS works and here’s my shot at it:

        a.geom &lt;-&gt; b.geom distance
        shp1 a, shp2 b
        abs(a.value - b.value) &gt; 400 AND
        ST_DWithin(a.geom, b.geom, 2000)
    ) sq
    distance &gt; 500;
  1. I use <->, a.k.a geometry distance centroid instead of ST_Distance(). It takes advantage of spatial indexes, thus it’s fast. And it’s perfectly fine to use it with point dataset, because the centroid of a bounding box of a point is? That point, exactly. Spatial indexes have to be built beforehand.
  2. Buffers are not necessary to check whether a geometry lies in a certain distance from another one. That’s what ST_Dwithin() was made for. With the inner WHERE clause I get all the points lying at most 2,000 meters from the current, having the absolute value difference bigger than 400. ST_Dwithin() will make use of any spatial index available, unlike ST_Distance().
  3. The outer WHERE clause throws away all the points closer than 500 meters. Remember, we already got only those not further than 2,000 meters from the previous step.

It took PostGIS 1060545,590 ms (~ 17 minutes) on my Quad-Core Intel® Core™ i5-4210M CPU @ 2.60GHz, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD hard drive, PostgreSQL 9.3 and PostGIS 2.1 with two point datasets having 4M and 300K rows, respectively.